Slightly frustrated about wasting your resources and my own time. I love the easy way you can obtain completely different clip by clicking "Remix". HOWEVER, If I don't like the end result, I end up clicking "Remix" again and hoping for the best.
You will say that I can remix by using customise option, but in this case I will need to manually select all the creator cards from 0.
"Use my loadout" uses my currently active loadout, however to make my clips interesting, I have 20+ music cards added into loadout and I allow your algorithm to choose one of them.
Couple of my suggestions:
A) when user clicks "Customise" it preloads current loadout and customer can deselect something he doesn't want and/or select more creator cards.
B) when remixing "Surprise me", customer can select effect which he liked and which would like to gamble on for the surprise
C) Make it easier/less frustrating/less page user if customer wants to delete a clip that he didn't like
D) More flexible remix customisation would save your resources and users time